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Zarina Chopra

A Transformative Spiritual Incubator to Self-Clear Your Karma, Master Manifestation, and Manifest Like a Queen


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A Transformative Spiritual Incubator to Self-Clear Your Karma, Master Manifestation, and Manifest Like a Queen


Karma Clearing With the Soul of Money

Shift your relationship to money by clearing the karma at the soul level so you can begin manifesting like a Queen!

Sign up to receive this blessing!

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Karma Clearing With the Soul of Money

Shift your relationship to money by clearing the karma at the soul level so you can begin manifesting like a Queen!

Sign up to receive this blessing!

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For the Spiritual Entrepreneur, the Teacher, the Channel, the Mother, or the Wounded Feminine…

For the woman who's tired of living in the same wounded cycles. Who is ready to get unstuck and manifest an extraordinary life!

Queen, here’s the truth that most people forget: if you try to manifest ANYTHING but you don’t clear your karma first… then you’re missing a big key to manifestation.

Listen, if you're...

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Feeling uninspired and stuck in your creations?

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Burnt-out by overgiving to others and not yourself?

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Worried that manifestation is just "not for you"?

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Struggling to get clients, show up, and serve at your highest?

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Feeling trapped by some invisible barrier you can't get through?

Then you have karma that needs clearing!

I used to think I was a "queen" of manifestation.

I manifested cars, condos, travel adventures, and an abundance of money…

I had a life that most people DREAM of.

But without clearing my karma first, those manifestations ALWAYS came with chaos (like trauma, broken relationships, severe illness, and even losing all that money I made).

Every time I called something in, Life would come along and call it out.

My karma created a life that was filled with incredible ups... and severe downs.

Nothing was ever healthy, happy, or stable until I addressed my karma FIRST!

Nothing was ever healthy, happy, or stable until I addressed my karma FIRST!

And THAT is the key to creating an abundant life that actually SUPPORTS YOU!

Clearing your karma, THEN manifesting with ease!

Love, YOU deserve more than a life of struggle or "just getting by".

You deserve to live a life that supports you as much as you support others!

You deserve a life where you can manifest with ease. A life where your healing abilities are expanded, where your relationships are strong and supportive, where you have transformed your pain and allowed yourself to RISE into your purpose, your truth, and your greatness!

I used to think I was a "queen" of manifestation.

I manifested cars, condos, travel adventures, and an abundance of money…

I had a life that most people DREAM of.

But without clearing my karma first, those manifestations ALWAYS came with chaos (like trauma, broken relationships, severe illness, and even losing all that money I made).

Every time I called something in, Life would come along and call it out.

My karma created a life that was filled with incredible ups... and severe downs.

Nothing was ever healthy, happy, or stable until I addressed my karma FIRST!

Nothing was ever healthy, happy, or stable until I addressed my karma FIRST!

And THAT is the key to creating an abundant life that actually SUPPORTS YOU!

Clearing your karma, THEN manifesting with ease!

Love, YOU deserve more than a life of struggle or "just getting by".

You deserve to live a life that supports you as much as you support others!

You deserve a life where you can manifest with ease. A life where your healing abilities are expanded, where your relationships are strong and supportive, where you have transformed your pain and allowed yourself to RISE into your purpose, your truth, and your greatness!

Wounded Feminine, you don't need to live wounded anymore.

These blocks, barriers, and walls around you don't need to be your limit.

You can clear your old karma, show up, and live from an expanded place!

Heal your wounds so you can powerfully heal others… Clear your karma so you can manifest without strings attached…

Rise in your greatest power so you can help others rise too..

Quantum Queen Rising is a 6-Month Group Program Designed to Guide You Out of Struggle and Into a Healed and Abundant Life!


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who is struggling to get clients - who longs to show up and serve at the level she knows she's capable of.

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who is struggling to manifest clearly - who's ready to 10x her manifestation powers and make her desires a reality.

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who is battling insecurities and old wounds and ready to clear the old stories, heal others from a healed place, and RISE in her power!

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who's ready to take her work to the next level - who's looking to become a more clear and powerful channel for healing.


The Path to Self-Mastery , opens the doors to new and important information that can help the reader think about what they can do to start their journey or maximize it.

The Path To Self Mastery book cover


Zarina Chopra is a Tao Soul Healer and Transformational Coach for rising female leaders who are ready to clear their karmic cycles, connect to the power of their Soul and manifest like a Queen.

As a certified Tao practitioner with the Tao Academy, and certified Theta Healing, Reiki Practitioner & Kambo Practitioner. Zarina combines her intuitive spiritual mentoring with her years of energy work and esoteric studies to provide a full spectrum of healing, transformation and manifesting mastery to her clients.

Zarina is the founder and curator of her 6-month immersion program "Quantum Queen Rising" and an International Best Selling Author to the Co-Authored Book "The Path to Self-Mastery",

She spends her time mostly enjoying nature, playing games with her family and beloved partner, and is the lover of all things sparkly!


The Path to Self-Mastery , opens the doors to new and important information that can help the reader think about what they can do to start their journey or maximize it.

The Path To Self Mastery book cover


Zarina Chopra is a Tao Soul Healer and Transformational Coach for rising female leaders who are ready to clear their karmic cycles, connect to the power of their Soul and manifest like a Queen.

As a certified Tao practitioner with the Tao Academy, and certified Theta Healing, Reiki Practitioner & Kambo Practitioner. Zarina combines her intuitive spiritual mentoring with her years of energy work and esoteric studies to provide a full spectrum of healing, transformation and manifesting mastery to her clients.

Zarina is the founder and curator of her 6-month immersion program "Quantum Queen Rising" and an International Best Selling Author to the Co-Authored Book "The Path to Self-Mastery",

She spends her time mostly enjoying nature, playing games with her family and beloved partner, and is the lover of all things sparkly!


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client testimony
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Weekly LIVE Online Classes & Healing Sessions (with Private Training Portal)

Weekly LIVE Online Classes & Healing Sessions (with Private Training Portal)

Every week, we gather inside our private online portal to learn LIVE with Zarina! You will activate your energy healing abilities, learn powerful self-healing techniques, and uncover the core transformative pieces of this work.

Every week, we gather inside our private online portal to learn LIVE with Zarina! You will activate your energy healing abilities, learn powerful self-healing techniques, and uncover the core transformative pieces of this work.

You'll have the opportunity to receive live coaching with Zarina on anything that's coming up for you! This container is here to support you and hold you throughout this entire journey.

You'll have the opportunity to receive live coaching with Zarina on anything that's coming up for you! This container is here to support you and hold you throughout this entire journey.

videocall with Zarina screenshot
videocall with Zarina screenshot

Daily Karma Clearing Healing Meditations & Practices

Daily Karma Clearing Healing Meditations & Practices

Choose from over 130 daily karma clearing meditations to activate you into Universal Love, Peace, Harmony and Abundance. Clear, maintain, and grow in this powerful vibration every single day!

Choose from over 130 daily karma clearing meditations to activate you into Universal Love, Peace, Harmony and Abundance. Clear, maintain, and grow in this powerful vibration every single day!

Queen Creation Circles

We gather twice as a sisterhood to share our wins, our desires, and our journeys - using the power of group intention to accelerate our creations into reality! This is a potent container designed to help each woman to energetically and consciously create her life with precision. Be seen, supported, and uplifted inside a powerful space created by you, me, and all the women on this journey with us!

Membership to a Secret Quantum Queen Rising Facebook Group

Membership to a Secret Quantum Queen Rising Facebook Group

Connect with your fellow Quantum Queens inside this private Facebook Group! This is where we come together as a community to support each other, connect heart to heart, and create our very own conscious global sisterhood! This Group is our main gathering place between calls, circles, and sessions.

Connect with your fellow Quantum Queens inside this private Facebook Group! This is where we come together as a community to support each other, connect heart to heart, and create our very own conscious global sisterhood! This Group is our main gathering place between calls, circles, and sessions.

quantom queen rising facebook group screenshot

12 x Sessions With An Ascension Accountability Coach

12 x Sessions With An Ascension Accountability Coach

Every two weeks, you'll receive a 1:1 session with your own Ascension Accountability Coach to help keep you on track as you go through this program. One of the biggest reasons why most online programs don't "work" is because most people lose track and give up. Inside Quantum Queen Rising, we want to cheer you on and uplift you every step of the way as you rise through this program!

Every two weeks, you'll receive a 1:1 session with your own Ascension Accountability Coach to help keep you on track as you go through this program. One of the biggest reasons why most online programs don't "work" is because most people lose track and give up. Inside Quantum Queen Rising, we want to cheer you on and uplift you every step of the way as you rise through this program!

12 x Hot-Seat “Check-ins” With Zarina

Every two weeks, you'll join a live group zoom call with a 10 minute spotlight on YOU where Zarina will guide you, support you, and connect with you EVEN DEEPER throughout this whole program!

Every two weeks, you'll join a live group zoom call with a 10 minute spotlight on YOU where Zarina will guide you, support you, and connect with you EVEN DEEPER throughout this whole program!

videocall with Zarina screenshot



What you can expect inside the Quantum Queen Rising program...


  • Fully clear old and outdated stories (with money, relationships, health, and more).

  • Release anxiety, depression, worry, fear, and other emotional disruptions from your field.

  • Reprogram your mind away from destructive patterns and into supportive ways of being.


  • Learn the clear and simple secrets to creating and attracting EVERYTHING you need – money, opportunities, love, peace, happiness, physical resources, health, harmonious relationships, and more.


  • Heal, harmonize, and elevate your personaland business relationships.

  • Create a healthy, supportive, and strong connection to your intuition.

  • Learn how to powerfully connect to YOU and your Higher Self - build long-lasting trust, clarity, and confidence from within.


  • Learn a variety of deeply powerful and effective spiritual tools to radically transform your health, wealth, mind, emotions, and life.

  • Discover intuitively-guided meditations to support your journey as you RISE UP.

  • Learn how to embody these new teachings with ease, and see the results come quick.


  • Receive sacred energy attunements for abundance, health, intuition, spiritual elevation, and more.

  • Learn how to become a clear channel for manifestation, intuitive guidance, and The Light.

  • Activate your youthfulness and abundance genes - and level-up your innate healing abilities.


  • Business and financial karma clearing.

  • Irresistible Soul Marketing for your business.

  • The Power of Sex Magic...and more!


What you can expect inside the Quantum Queen Rising program...


  • Fully clear old and outdated stories (with money, relationships, health, and more).

  • Release anxiety, depression, worry, fear, and other emotional disruptions from your field.

  • Reprogram your mind away from destructive patterns and into supportive ways of being.


  • Learn the clear and simple secrets to creating and attracting EVERYTHING you need – money, opportunities, love, peace, happiness, physical resources, health, harmonious relationships, and more.


  • Heal, harmonize, and elevate your personaland business relationships.

  • Create a healthy, supportive, and strong connection to your intuition.

  • Learn how to powerfully connect to YOU and your Higher Self - build long-lasting trust, clarity, and confidence from within.


  • Learn a variety of deeply powerful and effective spiritual tools to radically transform your health, wealth, mind, emotions, and life.

  • Discover intuitively-guided meditations to support your journey as you RISE UP.

  • Learn how to embody these new teachings with ease, and see the results come quick.


  • Receive sacred energy attunements for abundance, health, intuition, spiritual elevation, and more.

  • Learn how to become a clear channel for manifestation, intuitive guidance, and The Light.

  • Activate your youthfulness and abundance genes - and level-up your innate healing abilities.


  • Business and financial karma clearing.

  • Irresistible Soul Marketing for your business.

  • The Power of Sex Magic...and more!


Don't miss out on epic free content and 1,800+ Quantum Queens inside our private Facebook community!


Quantun Queen Rising facebook group screenshot


Who is this program for?

Quantum Queen Rising is for the women who desire to 10x their manifestation abilities - who are currently struggling to make their dreams a reality. The women who desire to become a clear and powerful channel for healing - who are ready to take their healing work to new and unheard-of levels. The women who are ready to show up and serve - who are DONE playing out old stories and insecurities in their work and in their life. The women who are ready to RISE!

Quantum Queen Rising is for the Healers, Mystics, Channels, Mothers, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, and Lovers who desire to transform their energy so they can transform their lives, their families, their communities, their world!

This is for every woman who is ready to clear her karma so she can manifest with clarity and ease!

I don't know… maybe now isn't the right time.

I can tell you from personal experience, that there is never a "right time" for anything. Not to quit your old job, not to start your own business, not to fall in love, not to start a family, and not to change the world. There is never a "right time". There is only THIS time, here and now. We can't wait around for some hopeful "right time" before we make a choice. We just have to follow our heart, trust that our desires are there for A REASON, and take that step! 

So if you feel the desire to join us on this journey, then I invite you to take that step right now. Because THIS choice, THIS movement, THIS shift is where the magic happens!

I'm not sure I can afford this right now.

I hear you, love. That's why I'm offering two payment options to help make this decision easy!

There may never be a "right time", but this, right here, is an incredible time to invest in yourself, your gifts, your abundance, and your longevity!

Because YOU are what will guide you through life's storms. YOU are the force that draws in (or repels) abundance. YOU are the magnet that brings life closer to you.

Investing in yourself is always the best investment you can make.

You are the one investment you can always count on to grow and expand!

Will this program work for me?

Transformation happens on the other side of fear and doubt. It's normal to feel uncertain before you make a big shift. But your desire to shift IS your divine invitation to let go of the old stories and choose to write something new! This program is designed to meet you where you're at. It will guide you into massive, quantum leaps - going as deep and as far as you're willing to go. The question isn't whether it'll work for you. It's if you're ready to follow the desires inside your heart to RISE into this new and expansive chapter of your life!

Still need some support?

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team!

© 2023 Quantum Queen Rising

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